Monday, August 20, 2007

Shut your mouth

I want to take just a minute to express an unexpected lesson that I learned. I'm having a hard time putting this into writing, but I hope you'll understand what I'm saying. This is part lesson, part confession. I've recently become aware of the fact that one of my struggles is negativity and complaining. In a lot of situations, it seems like it's easier to complain about something than to say anything else. I guess it seems easier to connect with people by finding common complaints than on deeper, more meaningful levels. Gossip falls in the same category. It just comes so easily in many situations. I have tried many times to change my habits with various accountability tactics, but it never really stuck.
So on to the lesson... without even thinking about it or consciously making this decision, about 1/2 way through the trip I realized that I was NOT complaining about things that I normally would have complained about (squatty potties, humidity, strange food, jet lag, risk of getting illnesses from the children, less than wonderful hotel rooms, etc). Maybe I just knew that things were going to be rough on the trip so they didn't bother me. I was also very careful not to make any negative comments about anyone else on my trip (not that there's anyone bad to say about anyone- they're all GREAT!). At first I just thought, "Wow, good for you, Sara." However, by the end of the week I realized why God instructs us not complain or gossip. If I had voiced all the little things that could have bugged me, my focus would have been on the negative rather than appreciating all the little things God was showing me. It also would have affected the overall dynamic of the group. When you're with the same 10 people 24 hours a day for 10 days, it's easy to imagine the harmful effects of gossiping-division, tension, hurt feelings, etc. But these things don't just occur in extreme situations like this. They happen anytime you gossip or complain. I am hoping that now that I've gained this insight and understanding, I'll be able to really change my bad habits (a nice way of saying my sins). I will tell you now that I've already failed and have found myself slipping back into my old habits, but hopefully I'll continually grow and gain more control over my mouth. As one of my good friends told me, a good rule is to only "speak life". If something won't edify or encourage those who are listening, it's probably best to shut your mouth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so moving. Your experience will change our lives, we wish we had th eguts to do what you have done.
We miss you
Annika & Robin (SR)